Equine Pre-Purchase Exams

The veterinarians at Fenton River Veterinary Hospital recommend a pre-purchase exam before the purchase of any horse.

A pre-purchase exam provides you with important information about the health of the horse. While a pre-purchase exam does not guarantee soundness for the career of the horse, it is an excellent way to screen your potential purchase for orthopedic or soft tissue injuries, conformational concerns, or other medical issues that may prove detrimental to the intended use of the horse.

All of our pre-purchase exams include a thorough physical examination, an ocular exam, musculoskeletal evaluation, and soundness evaluation with flexions. Diagnostic imaging, including digital radiography and ultrasonography, is also available and encouraged. Endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory system or stomach may be appropriate as well.

The pre-purchase exam is performed by our experienced equine veterinarians on-farm where the horse is located. Our fully-equipped mobile units are has all the diagnostic equipment needed for the pre-purchase exam.

Please give us a call to learn more about or schedule an equine pre-purchase exam.