In memoriam
Dr. Scott Morey was raised in Tolland, Connecticut. Growing up, he enjoyed working on a local dairy farm and showing beef cattle in 4-H. This led him to pursue a degree in animal science from the University of Connecticut. He then attended veterinary school at Kansas State University and graduated with honors. While attending veterinary school, he also pursued his M.S. in animal science, specializing in dairy cattle nutrition, graduating with a 4.0 GPA.
Following graduation, he practiced at a progressive, mixed-animal practice in north central Kansas, where he practiced high quality medicine and surgery in all species. He then moved back to Connecticut and began providing on-farm veterinary services before opening Fenton River Veterinary Hospital in his hometown with his wife, Dr. Heidi Morey. Scott specializes in large animal medicine, providing on-farm routine exams and vaccinations, lameness exams, reproductive services, surgeries and many others. Scott is trained in equine reproduction, bovine embryo transfer, cattle nutrition, and emergency medicine. He also provides on-farm digital radiology and ultrasound. When Scott isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with Heidi and their children, Ashlynn and Jackson, and working with their small herd of Simmental beef cattle.
Dr. Morey is licensed in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and is a member of the following organizations:
• American Association of Equine Practitioners
• American Association of Bovine Practitioners
• American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners
• American Veterinary Medical Association
• Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association