Trevor Copes, DVM

Meet Trevor Copes, DVM, Veterinarian at Fenton River Veterinary Hospital

Trevor grew up in New Lothrop, Michigan (Go Green), on a cash crop and livestock farm. From the moment he could walk, he was working with the animals that called their farm home.

His family farm consisted of a 40-sow farrow-to-finish operation, 100-head Holstein steers, and 100-head breeding Hampshire ewes. He rapidly developed a love for livestock husbandry, most notably within pigs and cattle. At the age of 8 he began completely showing pigs at the county, state, and national level. He was active in 4-H and FFA and is an active supporter of these organizations

Trevor earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Saginaw Valley State University and graduated from Tufts Cummings University of Veterinary Medicine. While completing his veterinary studies, Trevor worked in the university’s anatomy lab dissecting, developing models, and teaching first year veterinary students. He also worked on the university’s farm, ensuring the general husbandry requirements were met of all the species housed there.

Upon graduation from veterinary school, Trevor completed an intensive ambulatory livestock internship through the Tufts Veterinary Field Service. From his experiences, Trevor brings a copious amount of bovine and small ruminant expertise. His special interests are production pig medicine, dairy medicine (emphasis in calf care), and both large & small animal surgery.

Trevor and his partner (Dr. Parrella) live in Connecticut along with their 3 cats: Alopecia, Rue, and Octavia. In the near future they hope to develop their own livestock farm consisting of pigs, cattle, and sheep. In his spare time, Trevor is keen to the outdoors; he enjoys hunting, fishing, gardening, hiking, and weather permitting golfing.

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